Romeo and Juliet , 20 words

                                                                             Word :  Meaning : Sentence

1. Quarrel : an angry argument or disagreement. :Their is no quarrel here sir .
2. Thou : archaic or dialect form of you , as the singular subject of a verb. : Thou is a good man sir .
3. Hinds : a female deer, especially a red deer or sika in and after the third year. : Their is a single hind there alone.
4. Abroach : in action or agitation : Are you in abroach sir ?
5. Pernicious : having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way. : I have no pernicious at all . 
6. Quench : satisfy (one’s thirst) by drinking. : I need to quench my thirst , pass me thy water.
7. Thy : archaic or dialect form of your. : Thy is kind.
8. Importune : harass (someone) persistently for or to do something. : I will importune you until the day you die. 
9. Adversary : one’s opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute. : You are a worthy adversary.
10. Withal : with (used at the end of a clause). : We sat with little to nourish ourselves withal but vile water.
11. Anon : Soon , shortly : I will be their anon .
12. Adieus : A Goodbye : She whispered a fond adieu .
13. Beseech : ask someone urgently and fervently to do or give something. : I do beseech thee to go .
14. Cease : come or bring to and end : Please cease  that .
15. Hist : used to attract attention or call for silence. : The class went silent as she hist at them .
16. Tis: it is : What tis ?
17. Dwell : in or at a specified place. : He dwelled at the house .
18. Cleft : split, divided, or partially divided into two. : I will cleft you two so theirs no more fighting.
19.  Antic : grotesque or bizarre. : You are very antic .
20. Lamentable : full of or expressing sorrow or grief. : Young Romeo was very lamentable . 
Their was a great quarrel between two great dorms at and old colleague that was cleft by a great man the Dean . There was two main people in this fray . A young man called Marshal and Capital had the dorms named after them because this was about them . While Marshal was often seen as a good dorm the Capitals where seen as a antic dorm .  Marshal was a very lamentable boy while Capital was a very abroach and he loved to importune people . The dean called hist to this because it was getting to be a big problem . Capital dwelled at his dorm and never left while Capital cause trouble . The fighting creased but their was still damage . Capital beseeched his dorm members to help him to get at Capital . Capital had a good friend who had said adieus to him for he was leaving . When leaving his friend said to him “Thy is a kind gentle man , wait what tis ? Are you planning a attack on the Marshal’s thou is not a good man!” and he left  . Marshal was called and but shouted out ill be their anon this was to get him out the dorm so the attack could happen . But marshall had a plan they were going to slaughter capitals hind . Marshal was going to quench his thirst in the capitals rich , secret wine as well but they had no idea that it was a pernicious wine this made marshal very week and ill . The capitals and marshal’s had both promised to not importune each other to the Dean but were about to break it with this promise they had to admit that their bot equal adversary’s and crease the fighting . Capital withal their might destroyed the marshal dorm .





