Mar 16, 2015 - Communication    1 Comment

Satire (classwork)

In Mark Twain’s advice to youth in his speech he u uses a lot of satire.

Irony : “Always obey your parents, when they are present” this is Irony because of what he’s actually saying. Mark is saying to be good around your parents and only when their parents are around.

Understatement:”But a lark is the best thing to get up with”. This is understatement because of how little he’s saying about something that sounds much bigger.

Hyperbole :”Many a young person has injured himself permanently through a single clumsy and I’ll finished lie. ” this is Hyperbole because he’s exaggerated what he’s saying.The word that makes it Hyperbole is permanently. It wouldn’t be permanently but maybe a long time.

-Jameel & Ramone

1 Comment

  • I really like that you went back to this (even after I’d checked it) and corrected the spelling and punctuation, Jameel. That shows real determination.

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